5 Ways to Reconnect with Others In Meaningful Ways

5 Ways to Reconnect with Others In Meaningful Ways

How to reconnect with the ones you love

In the process of cultivating and nurturing relationships with friends and family, we also nurture ourselves. Of course, social wellbeing is just one integral element of overall wellness, but it matters tremendously. At least, we are starting to understand that better now.

Due to limited social interactions and remote work through quarantine, many friendships that were going smoothly are now strained. However, the adverse impact of our lack of communication with others stretches beyond the status of our friendships.

Relationships and social wellness are critical components of our mental and physical health. We need a strong social network to provide support through hardships and everyday challenges. Not only that, but good social wellness helps us to be more resilient and respond better in the face of stress.

Human beings thrive on connection and having a sense of belonging. That said, it is also not always easy for us to go back to how things were. It’s time for us to reconnect but use this as an opportunity to reassess and ease back in mindfully.

Be The First

Who would have thought we would ever end up with Zoom fatigue after too many virtual hangouts? After all, that was just intended to be a platform for big company conferences, right? The point is that after a year of social restrictions, reaching back out to friends can feel awkward. It can even trigger social anxiety and worries over where your friendship stands or what
they will think when they realize how much you have changed. Try not to be afraid to take the lead on reaching out to your friends. It will be worth the effort, and you are not the only one feeling awkward.

Reevaluate Your Relationships

Now is the perfect opportunity to reevaluate your friendships. Honestly, ask yourself before reaching out to someone, is this friendship worth nurturing? Maybe you had a friend who never gave you space. On the other hand, maybe things were one-sided, and you were the only one putting forth the effort. Allow yourself this valuable time to discern what you think is best for you right now.

Pick Up The Phone And Call

There are forms of communication that feel more personable than others, despite still being physically distant. Phone calls can go a long way in a world of texting and emails. You might be surprised by how nice it feels to be completely focused and engaged in a conversation.

Get Active

Do you have a friend that enjoys staying active and healthy? Chances are there is someone you want to reconnect with who is itching to get back in shape after their COVID lull. Invite them to go for a jog or hike or check out an outdoor fitness class. Less time for chit-chat can help ease any anxious or awkward feelings you have. And when you do get to talk more, this creates an experience you can talk about.

Learn Something New Together

In the spirit of fresh starts after COVID, rekindle a relationship through a new shared experience. Sign up for a craft or cooking class together. If you aren’t comfortable convening in public, there are various virtual options – you can learn anything from home these days! Let the activity be a positive conversation starter for the changes you have experienced and all that is to come.

This transition is your opportunity for a new start. Use it wisely and reassess how you want to spend your time and energy moving forward. The quality of your connections matters more for your well-being than the number of those you reconnect with. If you are struggling with anxiety or reconnection, our COPE-supported teams might be able to help!