Blog - Page 2 of 12 - COPE

COPE supported centers are pleased to provide a blog for patients and family members of patients that provides more information on ketamine treatments and mental illness.


5 Tips For Improved Brain Health In 2022

What can you do to change that and feel happier, more focused, and less stressed in the upcoming year? Since the brain controls everything we do, commanding everything from our thoughts to emotions and movements, it's up to us to take more control over the signals we send it.

3 Advantages of Having A Strong Support System

Having a strong support system is one of the most meaningful and advantageous aspects of life.We all need to have people who are there for us and invested in our happiness no matter what. These connections bring a greater overall sense of ease and fulfillment to our lives, ensuring we aren’t alone when life throws us curveballs. Here are three reasons to consider reinforcing your social network and why having a supportive one is so important.

How To Start Mentally Preparing for The Holidays

Holiday Stress
Everyone is unique and has different needs when it comes to mentally preparing for the holiday season. Unfortunately, you cannot pause the holiday countdown. However, you can prepare your mind for what lies ahead and address the thoughts and worries on your mind this time of year. Here are some tips for how to take care of yourself and mentally start preparing for the holidays

5 Ways to Reconnect with Others In Meaningful Ways

How to reconnect with the ones you love
Relationships and social wellness are critical components of our mental and physical health. We need a strong social network to provide support through hardships and everyday challenges. Not only that, but good social wellness helps us to be more resilient and respond better in the face of stress.