Reset Your Goals: 3 Benefits Of The COPE Wellness App - COPE

Reset Your Goals: 3 Benefits Of The COPE Wellness App

Did you know that almost 80% of New Year’s resolutions fail by the second week of February? People start abandoning popular resolutions like losing weight and exercising more because of procrastination or lack of support. Everyone has their
reason for giving up on their resolution. Many times, the goal isn’t the problem – the problem is not having a plan.

We know that goal setting in psychology refers to having a successful plan of action to reach a goal. It’s certainly harder to achieve a BIG goal than a small one, but if you don’t have a plan, then you’ll never give yourself a chance to develop healthy habits to achieve your goal.

Don’t just wish and hope for the rest of 2021! Take action and make a plan. Here are some ways our COPE Wellness App can help you improve your physical and mental wellness this year.

Helps Release Tension

The COPE Wellness App includes a variety of stretches that can help you release tension and stress. We’ve designed specific exercises to target chest and shoulder tension, which can help with everything from improved sleep and flexibility to mental clarity. A few moments of mindful stretching and stress release can go a long way when it comes to improving your physical and emotional health.

Promotes Mindfulness Through Guided Meditation

There are so many evidence-based benefits of mindfulness and meditation. Practicing mindfulness can reduce stress, help you find mental clarity, and improve your diet and sleep routines. Being mindful is a bit of a buzzword these days, so it can be
hard to know exactly how to practice mindfulness. The COPE App offers guided meditation that combines the power of meditation with guided visualization for the best experience possible.

Nurtures Self-Reflection Through Deep Breathing

When you breathe in deeply, you send a message to the brain. Deep breathing techniques can help reduce stress by lowering your heart rate and blood pressure. Our COPE Wellness App helps you become more aware of your breathing patterns to feel
more relaxed.

Hit ‘reset’ in 2021 by creating an action plan to reach your wellness goals. Instead of deprivation, focus on building healthy habits that will improve your health and overall wellness. Our COPE Wellness App is a great tool to help you manage stress and was developed by our team of world-renowned psychiatrists.

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