Cope Psychiatry Offers Tips for Mental Health Month - COPE

Cope Psychiatry Offers Tips for Mental Health Month

Here are Some Tips to Remember During Mental Health Month This May 2018

  1. Know that there is no shame: If you had a heart issue, you wouldn’t hesitate to see a cardiologist. If you had a broken bone, you would consult with an orthopedist. Just as you wouldn’t think twice about treating a physical condition, there is absolutely no reason to avoid taking care of a potential mental health condition with a qualified psychiatrist, psychologist, social worker, community mental health center or a referral from your employee assistance program. 4 in 10 Americans are affected by mental health conditions so you’re not alone.
  2. You can get better: There is no reason to suffer needlessly when there are so many treatment options available to help you get better. So many people have taken control of their mental health and recovered thanks to medication, psychotherapy, support groups, education programs, online forums, counseling, exposure therapy, interpersonal therapy, cognitive behavioral therapy and more.
  3. Best ways to show support: There are many do’s and don’ts to remember when a friend or loved one is suffering from mental illness. Generally speaking, the best way to support someone is to be non-judgmental, reassuring and empathetic to their needs. People working through their mental health conditions need to know they have people around them they can confide in, trust and turn to.
  4. No concern is too small: Whether you are a friend or family member of someone that you suspect might be suffering from a mental health condition, never just ignore it. Even if you believe it to be minor or insignificant, it’s worth investigating. Speak to your friend or loved one in private and let them know that you are there for them and will help them in anyway you can. Sometimes it takes confronting someone to get them on the path to wellness.
  5. Lead a healthy lifestyle: One of the best things anyone can do whether they’ve been diagnosed with a mental health condition or not is to lead a healthier lifestyle. Things like stress reduction, taking time for yourself, making time for fun, exercise, healthy food choices and plenty of sleep can all make a big difference in both your mental and physical health.
  6. Parents need to monitor their kids mental health closely: Early intervention is a key to recovery. Unfortunately, many children are afraid or embarrassed to come forward. Between cyber bullying and more stressors than ever for kids growing up these days, parents need to pay close attention to their kid’s behavior. Are they more tired than usual? Are they moody? Are they crying? Are their grades declining? Are they isolating themselves from their friends? Are they skipping school? Are they engaging in risky or harmful behavior?

Remember the five steps to suicide prevention:

1. Ask.

2. Keep them safe.

3. Be there.

4. Help them connect.

5. Follow up.

The National Suicide Prevention Hotline phone number is +1-800-273-8255. Keep this handy if you are feeling suicidal or suspect someone else is.